Flat Stanley and the San Francisco treats

My boyfriend, Paul, and I are going to move to San Francisco. Which will be awesome because it means that I'll be that much closer to my sister and Aly and Brady. When we went out to look for apartments, we took Flat Stanley with us.

Flat Stanley was really excited. He'd heard about San Francisco. He said, "Roro, I REALLY want to ride a cable car in San Francisco."

"But, Flat Stanley, there are lots of other things to do in San Francisco," I replied.

"I don't care. I want to ride on a cable car!!! Look, Roro!! A cable car!!!! Let's ride it, pretty, pretty please."

After we rode the cable car through the streets of San Francisco, we were really hungry. So we went to Tartine Bakery in the neighborhood that we're going to move to. I'd heard a lot of great things about this bakery so we got in line.

"Wow, Roro," said Flat Stanley. "This line is really long. Why do we have to wait in line?"

I replied, "Because there are really yummy pastries in there and everybody wants some."

"You mean THOSE pastries?!?" asked Flat Stanley.

"Yup, those are the ones," I told him.

With is face plastered to the glass he told me, "I want some, too."

After we finished our pastries we went to meet up with Paul.

"Hi, Paul!" shouted Flat Stanley, fully of sugar from our pastries. "Guess what? We rode on a cable car! And then we got to eat CAKES!"

"I can see that," replied Paul. "You still have a little cake on your chin. Flat Stanley, do you want to go with us to the park?"

"Oh yes!" Flat Stanley replied enthusiastically.

When we got the the park, we could see they were having a festival for Cinco de Mayo, which is like the Fourth of July for Mexico. Flat Stanley was excited because there were lots of people, and music, and dogs all over the park.

"Look, Roro," exclaimed Flat Stanley. "You can see for FOREVER from here!!!"

Yup, I think we're going to like living in San Francisco :)