Flat Stanley joins the festivities

On our last day in Budapest, we started by riding on the second oldest underground metro in Europe. There weren't that many people on the train, so Flat Stanley got a seat all to himself.

When we got off the subway, we went to Hero's Square where there was a giant statue and a bunch of people waving flags around it.

Flat Stanley was very excited. He said, "Roro, can I get a flat flag so I can join."

I told him, "That's silly, Flat Stanley. Flags are already flat. Also, I don't know where we can get a flag for you."

Flat Stanley squealed, "Look, Roro!!! That dog has a flag. Maybe he'll give it to me."

Well, the dog didn't want to give Flat Stanley his flag, but that was okay because we had places to go. I wanted to go to Széchényi Spa which is a traditional Hungarian public bath fed with local medicinal spring water. The building we found was a little unassuming, so I wasn't sure if it was the spa. But then I saw the word "Fürdő" which the women who sold me my bathing suit told me means "bath" in Hungarian. Good thing I remembered that, because Flat Stanley hasn't been helping me at all with Hungarian. He can barely read English!

Once inside we could see all the pools both inside and outside the building. While I was taking a picture, Flat Stanley asked me, "Roro, did you remember to bring my flat bathing suit?"

"No, Flat Stanley," I replied. "We've been over this before. You can't get wet or you will melt. And there's no flat bathing suit that can keep you dry in here." Flat Stanley pouted. Then I remembered something I saw earlier and took Flat Stanley there.

"Oh, a park," shouted Flat Stanley. "Okay, Roro. You go have fun at the bath. I'll meet you back here later."

But after the baths, I went back to the park and Flat Stanley was nowhere to be found. "Oh, great. Here we go again," I thought. But then I saw Flat Stanley, he was over by the museum.

"Look, Roro! Another castle. I think this must be where the princess lives," he informed me.

"Unfortunately," I told him. "I don't think there's a princess here. This is just a museum."

We looked all over, but didn't find a princess. But we did find this statue that looked a little bit like a lion.

Of course, Flat Stanley had to ride it. Once Flat Stanley was convinced the princess was not there, we left the castle. Outside we saw a man selling balloons and Flat Stanley said, "Roro, maybe the man can fill me with helium and I won't be flat anymore."

I thought for a minute. "That's a very good idea, Flat Stanley. Unfortunately, if you're filled with helium, then you'll float and fly away. And while flying is always fun, remember that we're going to fly on airplanes from now on. Speaking of which, we have to catch our flight back to Helsinki! Let's go!"