Za vs. Za: Pizza night in Boston

After a long week of me being at work and both of us getting used to being back in Boston, Flat Stanley was well rested and starting to get a little antsy. He said to me, "Roro, I want to do something fun!"

I replied, "Okay, Flat Stanley. I have an idea. I have some friends who are doing a pizza tasting competition. Do you want to do that?"

"Oh boy, Roro. I love pizza!" said Flat Stanley as he started jumping for joy around my apartment. "Are we going to get to go to Chuck E. Cheese's?"

"Well, no. We don't have a Chuck E. Cheese's here," I told him. "But don't worry, you're going to love this pizza."

So off we went to get meet up with my friends and eat some really good pizza. We started off at a restaurant called Gran Gusto and my friends ordered some calamari as an appetizer.

When the calamari came to the table Flat Stanley yelled out, "Roro! What is THAT! That's NOT pizza!"

I told him, "It's okay, Flat Stanley. It's not pizza, it's calamari. It sliced up squid."

"Squid?!?" Flat Stanley would have none of it. But that was okay because just then the pizza came to the table.

With a big smile on his face and his flat plate in hand, Flat Stanley said, "Now THAT is pizza!"

And boy did Flat Stanley like that pizza. He ate three whole pieces and got half way through another piece when he said, "Oh Roro. I can't eat another bite."

"Well, you're in trouble then," I told him. "Because we have to go to another pizza place, eat their pizza, and decide which of the two of these places is better. That's what a pizza competition is."

"Oh no!" sighed Flat Stanley. So after we were done at Gran Gusto, we headed off to the pizza competition, Mangia where they quickly made our pizza for us.

Flat Stanley took one look at the pizza and said, "Okay, Roro. I think I can do this." And he managed to eat another slice of pizza.

When it came time to vote though, Flat Stanley's choice was clear. "This place is good," he said. "But my vote is for the squid place!"

So there you have it. The winner of Za vs. Za is the squid place.